Saturday, 21 March 2009

I dwell in your heart (i)

The Psalms of Living

I. I dwell in your heart

I dwell in your heart, child
the old woman told me,
I have no other home.
There are places I have laid my head
but they were not home.

I live in the way you laugh
in the things that make you cry
in the days you have not yet lived,
in the nights still to come;
I inhabit these places, waiting.

In your dreams I reach out
in your hopes I find strength
in your memory I am fed, sweetly
You hear me in your own voice
and are comforted.

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne



Anonymous said...

I am learning computers at a library.I live in Cork. I do not have one yet. I am 89 years old. My typing is slow. Thats one finger at a time for you.I found your poem made me think of when my mother died- long ago now. Was it that you lost her that made you write it?

Geraldine Moorkens Byrne said...

Lillian thank you for your comment! well done - learning computers is such an achievement :) I am glad the poem spoke to you - it is not about the death of my own mother but yes, it is about loss and in particular the loss of mothers.
I hope you enjoy the blog!