Thursday, 17 June 2021

Sending out #books to #readers and #bookshops is a great feeling!


Not gonna lie, one of my favourite things at the moment is the weekly posting of new orders out to readers. I'll never get over the thrill of seeing someone thought enough of my book to purchase it; I know how many books I browse, how carefully I choose, before buying a paperback and I appreciate the time my reader spends and the fact they are willing to take a chance on an unknown, new author. Even if they've read my poetry, it's still a leap of faith to invest in a paperback at twice or more the cost of the ebook (I keep the ebook price low because I hate to see ebooks priced at almost the same as a paperback that has to be printed and compiled and glued and shipped!)

So every book that I send out from here gets a postcard and bookmark, because I love you the best ;)

It actually looks a bit like summer out there now, and while the next project is the Audio book (for which I am madly excited) it's also time to push The Body Politic as a summer read. It's deliberately printed in larger print with short paragraphs to help visually impaired and dyslexic readers enjoy it, and a few readers have said they found it easy to read on beaches and while travelling! So if you know anyone looking for a summer book, one of our new print run is waiting for them.

In other news, I'm working on Book 2, and it's going well. 

I'm also working on a Remembrance Ceremony, for the many people I know planning to hold Covid-related Memorial Services, to compensate for the tiny funerals we have endured during the last 15 months. When I have it completed, I'm offering it free of charge to anyone who would like to use it. It can be adapted or I am happy to help adapt it, to individual needs. It's my calling, on Celebrating Words, to provide this service and I'm happy to offer it gratis for those who need it. 

Full details will be posted when it's up, but feel free to email me if you want .


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